Creative Leadership Blog

Dr. Douglas Reeves and colleagues regularly publish on relevant topics for busy educators. Whether it is a book, article, or blog, each contain facts and practical next steps for practitioners. As with all our resources, please share with colleagues and communities.

Andrea Bobo Andrea Bobo

Beyond Phonics: Advancing Literacy for Lifelong Learning 

A second grader recently asked his teacher, "We talk a lot about how to read, but when will we actually read?" This question, posed with innocent curiosity, underscores a critical issue in early literacy instruction. It reflects a growing phenomenon where young learners are spending significant time on the mechanics of reading—learning phonics, decoding words, and practicing letter-sound relationships—yet they long for the opportunity to engage in the true joy of reading.

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Douglas Reeves Douglas Reeves

From TBT Lite to TBT Right: Five Strategies to Make the Most of Your TBT Time

The key to successfully implementing the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) is effective Teacher-Based Teams (TBTs). While the process was designed with excellent intentions, over the years, we have noticed significant differences in the way OIP was implemented in schools around Ohio. This article offers five strategies to help Teacher-Based Teams make the most of their time, have a greater impact on student results, and improve teacher morale. 

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Douglas Reeves Douglas Reeves

Why Grading Reform is Stuck

The standards movement is now more than two decades old, yet the fundamental premise of standards – that students should be evaluated based on their performance rather than comparison – remains mired in controversy.  The failure of grading reform is often a self-inflicted wound, with school systems falling victim to fads, unnecessary complexity, and silly controversies. Here are five ways to get grading reform unstuck.

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Equity Douglas Reeves Equity Douglas Reeves

Equity in Advanced Classes

Success in high school and college is a strong predictor of future employment, financial success, family stability, and health. It’s certainly true that a four-year liberal arts degree is not essential for this – skilled jobs in building trades and technical medical fields, for example, pay well and do not require a four-year college degree. But nearly every job offering middle-class wages requires some post-secondary education, at a community college, technical school or university.

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Douglas Reeves Douglas Reeves

Chat GPT and Artificial Intelligence: How Schools Can Respond

There was a time when educators feared that the use of handheld calculators would encourage students to cheat on math homework because they would lose the ability to do mental math.  Similarly dire predictions were made about the spell-check functions on word processors and, later on, by programs that corrected grammar and usage errors in student essays.

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Douglas Reeves Douglas Reeves

Time Saving Strategies for Busy Teachers and Administrators

Education professionals have returned from a well-deserved rest after the stressful year of 2022. The top concern I hear around the nation is time – too much to do, too many standards to cover, too many behavioral issues, too many meetings, and despite abundant federal funding, not enough to purchase a 25-hour day.  This article offers five practical suggestions to save time and, as a result, reduce anxiety and stress that is the daily enemy of success for teachers and educational leaders. 

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Douglas Reeves Douglas Reeves

Invest in People, not Products

School leaders and educational policymakers are faced with a stark choice in how to invest funds that have been distributed to schools and district as a result of COVID relief legislation.  That choice is between investing in people or products.  There are certainly products that have value, and the multi-billion dollar investment in technology has given access to students and families that previously were disenfranchised from the technology revolution of the 21st century.  Nevertheless, products fade. Investments in people will endure.  This article suggests three guidelines for how to get the most out of investments so that the benefits will last long after federal funds have expired.  First, invest in assessment literacy, not tests.  Second, invest in school leadership and build a bench of future leaders.  Third, invest more than money in attracting and retaining great teachers and paraprofessionals.

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Leadership Douglas Reeves Leadership Douglas Reeves

Leadership Lessons from Nature

Sometimes we need to take a minute and realize that nature has gentle lessons for us - not just catastrophic weather events.  Much wisdom can be gained by paying attention to these gentle lessons.  The past two years have been nothing shy of survival in schools.  Let’s take a few minutes to reflect on how nature just might have the answer for you!

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Psychological Safety Douglas Reeves Psychological Safety Douglas Reeves

The Trust Imperative: The Foundation of Fearlessness

When is the first time that you can recall being in a high-trust environment? Perhaps it was early in your career when colleagues and supervisors encouraged you, forgave your mistakes, and gave you a sense of confidence that allowed you to forge ahead to launch your career as an educational professional and make a difference for your students. Perhaps it was even earlier, when a teacher helped you break the bonds of perfectionism, encouraged you to try something new, and then encouraged you through the inevitable mistakes that accompany the risk-taking endeavor we call learning. But I would like to suggest that your first experience in a high-trust environment was much earlier.

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Psychological Safety Dr. Kate Anderson Foley, Dr. Rachael George, Dr. Pamala VanHorn Psychological Safety Dr. Kate Anderson Foley, Dr. Rachael George, Dr. Pamala VanHorn

Social Emotional Learning and Self-Care: The Connecting Fiber for Addressing Learning Loss

Picture this: School starts and everyone is focused on assessing learning loss. Interventions are put in place but students continue to struggle. Schools struggle with lack of engagement, failing grades, and, increased behavioral issues. School teams are confounded and ask why? Why isn’t the learning loss being mitigated by reading and math interventions? The straight truth is because schools siloed social and emotional learning from the total equation. Instead of being the foundation for the reopening plan, many schools across the country attended to the academic side of the house without realizing the actual foundation relies on social emotional learning or SEL. 

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Feedback and Grading Douglas Reeves Feedback and Grading Douglas Reeves

Accuracy, Fairness, and Respect: The Case for Simple A,B,C,D,F Grading

Introduction:  The traditional 4-point scale, with A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, and F=0, has been used throughout the almost 400-year history of public education in the United States.   This article establishes the rationale that the traditional system, not the “new” system of the 100-point scale established in the early 1900’s, is the most accurate, fair, and respectful way to grade students

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Leadership Christine Smith Leadership Christine Smith

What Learning Loss? How One Elementary School Increased Literacy Achievement from 68% to 92%

As the 2020-2021 school year opened, the principal and staff of Jackson Elementary in Elmhurst District 205 near Chicago knew what they didn’t know.  They didn’t know how parents would respond to their children learning remotely from home.  They didn’t how they were going to be able to keep up with changing schedules from remote, to hybrid, to in-person, and back again through the cycle according to the pandemic infection metrics.  They didn’t know how to keep focused on student learning, knowing that teacher and student health might preclude academic achievement.

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Feedback and Grading Alan Crawford Feedback and Grading Alan Crawford

Reducing Secondary Failures NOW: Learn How a California District Changed For Students

Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD) is the proud home to three comprehensive high schools and one alternative high school serving approximately 3,170 students. MPUSD, like many districts across the country, has worked incredibly hard to begin the new year and the new semester, and we have much to celebrate. Over the course of the first semester and with an extended grading window, the four high schools in MPUSD collectively reduced the number of Fs by 77%.

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Leadership Douglas Reeves Leadership Douglas Reeves

Relentless Communication Leads to a Dramatic Improvement in Attendance

Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD) is the proud home to three comprehensive high schools and one alternative high school serving approximately 3,170 students. MPUSD, like many districts across the country, has worked incredibly hard to begin the new year and the new semester, and we have much to celebrate. Over the course of the first semester and with an extended grading window, the four high schools in MPUSD collectively reduced the number of Fs by 77%.

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Equity Kate Anderson Foley Equity Kate Anderson Foley

Stop Tinkering with Negative Discipline Practices and Start Shifting to Positive Ones

A recent study by the Civil Rights Project at UCLA confirms what many of us have long suspected: American middle and high schools are losing a shocking number of instructional days to suspension. Using discipline data collected from almost every U.S. school district, the study found that 28 districts lost more than a year of learning to this draconian discipline practice. And what populations were most affected? You guessed it: Black students and students with disabilities were disproportionately deprived of the opportunity to learn in the name of suspension.

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Equity Douglas Reeves Equity Douglas Reeves

How To Stop The Coming Dropout Time Bomb

Schools are facing an avoidable crisis – students dropping out of high school because of toxic policies that lead to a cascading series of failures that will undermine any reason for them to persist in their studies. When students to fail to complete high school, they face a lifetime of unemployment, poverty, increased health care needs, and greater involvement in the criminal justice system. If these students were inside a burning building, we would not convene focus groups, hire consultants, or begin a strategic plan. We would get them out of the burning building. There are only a few weeks left in the fall of 2020 to decide how to respond to this crisis.

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