Upcoming Events


CASCD Webinar | Fearless Schools: Behavior and Attendance | 3:30 PM Pacific

Schools around the world have been devastated by trauma, stress, depression, and anxiety for students and staff members. Now is the time to support students and adults, and Fearless Schools can help. In this interactive professional learning, Dr. Reeves and panelists provide the latest and best research on fearless schools.

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Webinar | Fearless Coaching | 11:00 AM PT

In this important webinar, attendees will receive practical advice that enables coaches and their clients to collaborate effectively to achieve organizational success while also ensuring the professional and personal needs of teachers, leaders, and their families. If we learned anything during the pandemic and associated school closures, we know that burnout is not a sustainable strategy.

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CASCD Webinar | Getting Grading Reform Unstuck | 3:30 PM Pacific

Schools around the nation have been attempting to implement changes in grading systems for many years. Most of these efforts have resulted in more talk than action. In this interactive webinar, participants will learn how to streamline grading reform, eliminate unnecessary and time-wasting arguments, and implement grading reforms that improve student achievement, attendance, and behavior.

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CASCD Webinar | Literacy: A Cornerstone to Equity & Excellence | 3:30 PM Pacific

Literacy, A Cornerstone to Equity and Excellence will emphasize the critical role literacy plays in our children’s lives as well as our own. Participants will learn how kids learn to read and why what they read matters. We will explore how every adult in a school community can contribute to the literacy development for the young people in their lives.

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CASCD Webinar | Fearless Mentoring: Accelerating New Teacher Growth and Job Satisfaction | 3:30 PM Pacific

Fearless Mentoring: Accelerating new teacher growth and job satisfaction is a 60-minute webinar designed for both new teachers and those who mentor new teachers. We will explore strategies and supports to provide new teachers with the coaching and feedback they need to accelerate their own growth and find satisfaction in their chosen profession.

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Webinar | Getting Grading Reform Unstuck | 11:00 AM PT

Schools around the nation have been attempting to implement changes in grading systems for many years. Most of these efforts have resulted in more talk than action. In this interactive webinar, participants will learn how to streamline grading reform, eliminate unnecessary and time-wasting arguments, and implement grading reforms that improve student achievement, attendance, and behavior.

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Webinar | Getting Grading Reform Unstuck | 11:00 AM PT

Schools around the nation have been attempting to implement changes in grading systems for many years. Most of these efforts have resulted in more talk than action. In this interactive webinar, participants will learn how to streamline grading reform, eliminate unnecessary and time-wasting arguments, and implement grading reforms that improve student achievement, attendance, and behavior.

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Webinar | 100 Day Leader | 11:00 AM PT

With the expiration of federal funds related to the global pandemic, many districts are farcing a financial crunch. In this interactive webinar, participants will learn a systematic approach for assessing the impact of initiatives and how to save money and time by terminating initiatives that have little or no impact on student results.

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