Discover Equity

The fundamental thesis of our work is that equity and excellence are goals that support one another, and not goals that are in opposition to one another. But many public schools are an example of the latter.



For decades, the prevailing hypothesis has been that if you provide equity for high school admissions, then you are watering down the excellence of the exam schools. This is why the schools are as segregated today as they were the day before the Brown decision in 1954. Without a simultaneous commitment to equity and excellence, nothing else – no programs, no grants, no policies, no speeches – none of it – matters. Through our coaching of leaders and of collaborative teams of teachers, we instill the core competencies of Equity and Excellence Schools – focus, feedback, instruction, leadership, and efficacy.


Video Series


Achieving Equity & Excellence

Dr. Douglas Reeves, author of “Equity and Excellence Right Now,” provide evidence-based practical approaches for educational leaders to promote excellence with an equity lens.


