Leadership Performance Coaching
Leadership Performance Coaching (TM) is a process focused on individual and organizational improvement. Our Certified Coaches provide private one-to-one support for leaders at every level, including superintendents, central office leaders, building leaders, and teacher leaders. Each coaching engagement is focused on at least one personal goal and at least one organizational goal. During each coaching conversation, we consider progress toward the goals, barriers to the achievement of the goals, and commitments to next steps. In many cases, leaders also bring to the coaching conversation immediate concerns that divert their attention from their primary focus. Therefore, we also support leaders on relationships with colleagues, project management, time management, and organizational effectiveness.
Q: Are conversations with my coach confidential?
A: Yes, with two exceptions. First, if the coach has reason to believe someone is in danger, then the coach has an obligation to report it to the appropriate authorities. Second, Creative Leadership Coaches meet periodically to synthesize common trends in organizational successes and challenges in an effort to support the entire system.
Q: How is Creative Leadership Coaching different from other types of support?
A: A consultant will assess a situation and tell you what you should do and how. A mentor will offer advice based on his experience and knowledge of a situation. A coach will empower you to solve your own problems, maximize your strengths, and determine, for yourself, what action to take that will lead to change within your organization.
Q: What exactly is Creative Leadership Coaching?
A: Leadership Coaching is a development process built on trust and confidentiality. At its core is the belief that you have the ability within yourself to achieve your personal and leadership goals.
Q: What can I do to get the most out of my coaching experience?
A: At the onset of the coaching relationship, determine what organizational and personal goals you will focus on with your coach. These should parallel with your already existing goals, rather than be an add-on to them.
Follow through on commitments between each coaching call. Each coaching conversation will end with you stating what action you will take specific to your identified goal and each conversation will begin with the coach inquiring about the action you committed to on the previous call.
Use the coaching techniques your coach uses with you in your interactions with others.